Module awesome-launch.panel

Launch clients as panels.


  • Copyright: 2019-2020 James Reed
  • Author: James Reed <>


toggle_func (c, state) Function to handle toggling of a panel client.
setup_func (c) Function to handle setup of a panel client.
toggle (cmd, args) Toggle the visibility of a panel, spawning the command if necessary.


toggle_func (c, state)
Function to handle toggling of a panel client.

By default, the client's hidden state is toggled.


  • c The client being toggled.
  • state The toggle state: true if being toggled into view, false otherwise.
setup_func (c)
Function to handle setup of a panel client.

By default, the client is hidden and made sticky.


  • c The client being setup.
toggle (cmd, args)
Toggle the visibility of a panel, spawning the command if necessary.

A panel is a floating, centered client that can be scaled to a percentage of its size.


  • cmd The command.
  • args Table containing the single instance ID and additional arguments for spawn
    • id Single instance ID.
    • props Properties to apply to the client.
    • pwd Pathname to the working directory for new clients.
    • timeout Seconds after which to stop waiting for a client to spawn.
    • callback Function to call with client when it spawns.
    • factory The factory to use (see wm-launch's -f flag).
    • systemd If true, run cmd with systemd-run.
    • firejail If true, run cmd with firejail.
    • filter Function to filter clients that are considered.
    • scale Percent to scale client (see awful.placement.scale).
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2020-12-20 15:51:19